About Temple Builders' Ministries

Temple Builders' Ministries started in 2009, with fellow believers who desired the restoration of the purity of the true Gospel of Jesus to the Body of Christ. By bringing to them the love of Christ, our aim is to provide a fresh introduction to God's Will and purpose for their lives.


Empowering and preparing for a mighty manifestation of the
glory and power of God in this generation and beyond

Our Mission

Our Mission

It is our firm belief that God’s plan for all of God’s people is to be transformed into the image of Christ Jesus His Son. 

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The Ministry

The Ministry

Helping people find Christ as Savior and Lord 

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Our Mandate

Our Mandate

We are a ministry of crucified ones - ‘people sold out to Jesus’ - with the sole commitment of seeing people transformed into the image of Christ in thought...
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Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

This is the statement of doctrine from the Bible as believed & taught...

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